5 ways to reframe your mindset for success

Everywhere you look in publications, media, or ads you see something related to mindset. Being in the right mindset, reframing your mindset, etc. Essentially, the message is the same. We can only move forward in our personal or professional lives if we are in the right headspace. If we go around saying “everything sucks,” then everything will suck. Right?.

Below are five ways to reframe your mindset. Let’s make your mind a great place to think from.

Define your success

First, let’s define success. Ask yourself, what does success look like for you? Success looks different for everyone. Identify what your long-term vision is for your career aspirations. Be super specific on what you desire your life to look like in five or 10 years. Write it all down. Next, identify the small goals you need to reach to bring this reality closer to you. This will help put you in the energy of what you want and not from the same place of lack. Do a little bit each day with whatever resources you have, and every day you become closer to the success you want. 

Change your vocabulary

Common phrases we use when we are in a rut is “I am not good enough” or “I can’t catch a break” Oddly, it might feel good temporarily to feel like the world is out to get us. It does not help to stay in this place. Hardships and adversity are facts of life. We have periods of ups and downs. One way to move through it is to change the way we speak about them. Change your vocabulary. Let’s tackle “I am not good enough,” what is enough? You are a living, breathing human with so much potential. Don’t let your external circumstances deter you from what you are meant to accomplish in your life. As long as you keep going, a way will be made. However, if we affirm only negative things about ourselves, then we can not see the opportunity in front of us. 

Accountability is for champions

Accountability is taking responsibility for your actions. Even when we think we have no responsibility in a particular situation, we often do. In the past, maybe we needed to be more vocal earlier on, and set boundaries, but we didn’t. As a result, the situation(s) spiraled out of our control in a direction we didn’t anticipate. Think of a situation that recently upset you, then ask yourself, “what was my role in this situation? What could I have done better?” By looking at a situation from this point of view, you are able to learn and grow as a person. By building this self-awareness, you set yourself up for success. 

Validate your emotions 

Pause for a moment, and allow yourself to process your feelings. It is okay to feel the way you do. You have been through a difficult time, or you are still going through it. To become a person that has a healthy mindset, we need to validate our emotions. We can’t set ourselves up for success if we beat ourselves up for feeling our feelings. The most powerful step you can take today is to self-validate, don’t wait for anyone to do it for you. Your experiences are unique to you. 

Abundance, not scarcity

In this context, the word abundance means to see a situation as a potential opportunity even when it’s not obvious. For example, when someone is let go from their job, their thoughts will often fill with panic as there is no consistent income coming in. But if we are operating from an abundance mindset, then we will have thoughts like, “This is probably downtime we needed.” Or thoughts such as “Our next steps will be revealed, and there is another opportunity out there for me.”  When we are in a scarcity mindset, we will feel as if the walls are closing in. Anxious thoughts will enter our minds and we can’t see the opportunity we are being presented with because it looks like a setback. No matter what is happening, when appropriate, ask yourself how can I see this from an abundance mindset? What potential opportunity can this situation present? 

We gave you a lot to think about and process. Remember that success starts with you! External circumstances will eventually change when you change your mindset. Mindset can only be controlled by you. It is a superpower to be able to affect your thinking and in turn, change your life.

Written by: Norhan Ahmed

Edited by: Shaunah Margaret

Shaunah Margaret