How to be the Main Character of your Life


Growing up, I always admired the way a protagonist of a chick flick movie went after what they wanted and was able to get the dream life that they desired. I admired the way Elle Woods was able to become a lawyer in the end of the movie (Legally Blonde), the way Jenna Rink was able to live in her 30’s and live her dream life (13 going on 30) and so forth. Being the main character of your own life consists of being your own biggest fan and taking action to have the life that you want and deserve. 

For me, being the main character reminds me that I am in CONTROL of my own life. Being the main character doesn’t mean that everything is going to go exactly the way I planned, because, let’s be real, life isn’t a film. BUT, I have the power to get out of my comfort zone, try new things, learn, and grow as a person. Being the main character of my own life consists of picking myself up, journaling, learning my love languages, and looking at myself in the mirror and reminding myself that I am a queen and deserve the life that I desire. Here are some steps that I take to channel my own “main character energy”:

  1. Create a vision board - I like to think about who I want to become and who I want to be in the future. I imagine my higher self and think about where she will be working, what she will be doing, how she will dress and so forth. I like to combine different images and quotes that add on to the person that I want to be and place it somewhere where I can see it on a daily basis.  

  2. Keep promises to yourself - I really like journaling and it has helped me in so many ways. In my journal, I like to create a list of goals and things that I’ve always wanted to do, and create steps to get there. For example, I know that I want to feel and be more fit, so I started going to the gym on the weekdays. Or, I know that I want to read a bit more, so I usually pick out a book to read for the month and the list goes on.  

  3. Work on my insecurities- ahh insecurities, whether we like it or not, sometimes our own fears and insecurities like to get the best of us. BUT it doesn’t mean that we should let it stop us from taking action. I usually like to give myself pep talks and spend time with myself and resolve my own insecurities, whether it's writing it down or calling myself out. 

  4. Getting out of your comfort zone- It’s easy for me to stay in my bubble sometimes. That means that I often miss out on opportunities that will help me grow because I am “too comfortable” or “too fearful” to step out of my own bubble. Nonetheless, I try to visualize the type of person I want to become and push myself to go out and do something that will add on to the person I want to grow into. 

My advice to you would be to build new connections with people, say yes to that internship or job, volunteer with a community organization, book that flight… Whatever you’re thinking of doing, just do it. When you’re afraid of doing something, that’s the perfect opportunity to do it. 

I believe in you sis! Be the main character of your own life. You got this. 

By Mayelin Jimenez